Loops & Scratches

Custom Pet Portraits - Case Study

*This project is currently in its development stage. The prototype shown here is based on the latest approved draft from the stakeholders, and it may change in the future based on further revisions or requirements. Please note that this is an ongoing project, and the status may change as the project progresses.

Loops & Scratches is a local company from the Philippines that offers custom pet portraits. Our artists create unique pieces that capture the personality and spirit of pets. We provide a luxury experience that is also affordable and has a staff available to answer any questions.

The project duration for the development of the website for Loops & Scratches is currently estimated to be 3-4 months. Please note that this is an ongoing project and the duration may change as the project progresses.

The Product:

Loops & Scratches is a local company from the Philippines that offers custom pet portraits. Our artists create unique pieces that capture the personality and spirit of pets. We provide a luxury experience that is also affordable and has a staff available to answer any questions.


The project duration for the development of the website for Loops & Scratches is currently estimated to be 3-4 months. Please note that this is an ongoing project and the duration may change as the project progresses.

The Problem:

Loops & Scratches is a local company that offers custom pet portraits, but they faced some challenges in reaching and engaging their target audience online. They needed to improve their online presence, clarify their product offerings and pricing, and build trust and loyalty with their customers.

The Goal:

The goal of the project was to create a website and web app for Loops & Scratches that would showcase their custom pet portraits, communicate their values and mission, and provide a seamless and enjoyable customer experience. I wanted to help Loops & Scratches increase their online visibility, conversions, and retention.

My Role:

As the UI/UX designer for Loops & Scratches, my role is to design the user interface and improve the user experience of the site.

My Responsibilities:

  • Conducting user research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience, such as interviews, surveys, focus groups, and usability testing.
  • Creating user personas, user journeys, and user stories to represent the target audience and their interactions with the site.
  • Developing a site map and information architecture to organize the content and features of the site.
  • Designing wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to illustrate the layout and functionality of the site, using tools such as Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD.
  • Designing the visual elements of the site, such as colors, fonts, icons, images, and animations, based on the branding guidelines of the business.

Understanding the user.

  • User Research
  • Personas
  • Problem Statements
  • User journey maps

User Research: Summary

We wanted to create a website that would appeal to Loops & Scratches’ potential customers and showcase their brand personality and values. We also wanted to help them track and improve their customer loyalty, retention, referrals, and social media presence.

We initially thought that our target audience mainly cared about finding unique and creative pet products at a reasonable price. But our research revealed that they also valued the quality and durability of the products, as well as the customer service and experience.

Moreover, we discovered that they preferred to support local businesses and products, and that they were influenced by the business’s mission and vision. These insights enabled us to better address and satisfy the needs of our target audience, and to craft a product and marketing strategy that was more relevant and attractive to them.

User Research: Pain points

  • Low online visibility and awareness of the business and its products: We wanted to help Loops & Scratches increase their online presence and reach more potential customers who are looking for custom pet portraits.
  • Unclear product offerings and pricing: We wanted to help Loops & Scratches communicate their product types, features, and prices more clearly and effectively to their customers, and to simplify the ordering process.
  • Lack of customer trust and confidence in the business and its products: We wanted to help Loops & Scratches build trust and loyalty with their customers by showcasing their quality and durability of their products, as well as their values and mission.
  • Complex and insecure online ordering and payment process: We wanted to help Loops & Scratches provide a seamless and secure online ordering and payment process that would make it easy and convenient for their customers to purchase their products.
  • Limited social media presence and engagement: We wanted to help Loops & Scratches grow their social media following and engagement by creating and sharing relevant and interesting content that would showcase their products and connect with their customers.

User Personas:

Emily Hernandez is a 60-year-old mother of two and dog owner who values the well-being and comfort of her pets. She wants a unique and personal way to celebrate her pets because she wants to create lasting memories and show her love and appreciation for them.

Mark Johnson is a 28-year-old software engineer and dog owner who is always looking for the latest and greatest technology and gadgets to enhance his pet’s quality of life. He wants a modern and innovative way to honor his pet because he wants to show off his love and appreciation for his dog.

Ana Rodriguez is a 32-year-old influencer and cat owner who loves showcasing her cat’s personality and style through her content. She wants a creative and unique way to feature her cat on social media because she wants to stand out and share her love for her pet with her followers.

Juan Dela Cruz is a 45-year-old pet owner and animal lover who wants to support local businesses and products. He wants a high-quality and personalized way to honor his pets because he wants to invest in a special and meaningful tribute to them.

Lara Kim is a 25-year-old artist and dog owner who loves showcasing her dog’s personality and style through her art. She wants a unique and creative way to feature her dog in her art because she wants to celebrate her pet’s personality and create original and personalized artwork.

Maria Santos is a 24-year-old lawyer and dog owner who values the comfort and appearance of her pet. She wants a stylish and sophisticated way to celebrate her dog because she wants to show off her pet’s personality and style.

User Journey Map:

This user journey map shows the steps and emotions that customers go through when they interact with the business and its products. It helps us identify the pain points and opportunities for improvement in the customer experience.

Starting the design.

  • Sitemap
  • Wireframes
  • Low-Fidelity Prototype
  • Usability Studies


Lo-Fi Prototype:

The low-fidelity app prototype for Loops&Scratches was tested and can be viewed here:

Usability Study: Findings

We tested our lo-fi prototype with five users and found four key insights to improve our design.

  • Users need more clarity and feedback on the size and preview of their pet portrait
  • Users value Loops & Scratches’ social mission and trust their brand
  • Users are not engaged by the homepage and struggle to navigate the Products page
  • Users have questions and concerns about the photo requirements and delivery time

Refining the design.

  • Mockups
  • High-Fidelity Prototype
  • Accessibility

Hi-Fi Prototype:

The Hi-Fi desktop prototype can be viewed here:

Accessibility Considerations:

Some of the ways that my design accounts for accessibility are:

  • Using sufficient color contrast and font size to ensure readability and visibility of text and images.
  • Providing alternative text and captions for images and videos to convey the meaning and context for screen readers and users with low vision.
  • Using clear and descriptive labels and instructions for forms and buttons to help users with cognitive or motor impairments.

Moving forward!

  • Takeaways
  • Next steps


Some of the impacts that I’d do for Loops & Scratches are:

  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a high-quality and personalized service.
  • Increase brand awareness and recognition by creating a consistent and appealing visual identity across all platforms.
  • Increase sales and revenue by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.
  • Support the mission and values of Loops & Scratches by participating in organizations and charities that improve the lives of animals and the people who love them.


Working as a UI/UX designer for Loops & Scratches was a fun and rewarding experience.

I used Figma to create stunning designs and prototypes for their website. I learned how to apply design systems, visual design principles, and user feedback to make my designs better. I also learned how to collaborate with other designers and engineers, and how to showcase my work in my portfolio. I loved creating unique and creative pet products that made our customers happy.

Next steps:

  1. Conduct more user research and testing to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of the design and prototype. This would help to identify any issues or areas for improvement, and to validate the assumptions and hypotheses made during the design process.
  2. Refine and iterate on the design and prototype based on the feedback and data collected from the user research and testing. This would help to enhance the usability, functionality, and aesthetics of the design and prototype, and to ensure that they meet the needs and expectations of the users and the business.
  3. Create a style guide and a design system to document and standardize the visual and interactive elements of the design and prototype. This would help to ensure consistency and coherence across all platforms and devices, and to facilitate the collaboration and handoff between designers and developers.

Let’s connect!

Working on this project was a valuable and enjoyable learning experience for me. I was able to apply the skills and knowledge I gained from this course to a real-world problem and solution. I was also able to practice and improve my design thinking, research, prototyping, and communication skills.

I am proud of the outcome of my design and prototype, and I am excited to continue working on this project and other UX design projects in the future.

If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact is provided below: