Ashley Case

Turning ideas into reality.

Ashley is an industrial designer based in the Philippines with a passion for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing products. She approached me with a goal of securing a fulfilling job in her field by showcasing her work and skills through a professional portfolio website. Up until this point, Ashley had only used Behance and Instagram to share her work, which limited her ability to effectively showcase her portfolio and stand out to potential employers.

Design Process:

To help Ashley achieve her goal of securing a fulfilling job in the industrial design industry, I worked with her to develop a modern and responsive portfolio website that effectively highlighted her work and design philosophy. My design process included the following steps:





Empathize: I started by learning about Ashley’s business, design style, and target audience to understand her goals for the website and how I could best support them. I also gathered insights about the needs and preferences of her target audience (potential clients and employers) through secondary research and Ashley’s anecdotes. This included understanding what types of projects and information they are most interested in seeing on an industrial design portfolio, as well as any common design preferences or trends.

The main challenges we encountered were:

  • Developing a portfolio website that accurately reflected Ashley’s design style and aesthetic.
  • Finding a way to effectively showcase Ashley’s work and skills to potential employers.
  • Creating a user-friendly and responsive website that would appeal to a wide range of viewers.

We solved these challenges by:

  • Collaborating closely with Ashley to understand her design philosophy and style, and incorporating this into the website design.
  • Including high-quality images of Ashley’s work and providing detailed descriptions of each project to give potential employers a clear understanding of her skills and abilities.
  • Utilizing a responsive design framework to ensure that the website was easy to use and looked good on all devices.


Based on the insights I gathered, I defined the content and structure of the website, creating wireframes to map out the overall layout and navigation. 

I also brainstormed ideas for how to showcase Ashley’s work in a dynamic and interactive way that would engage potential clients and employers, such as through image galleries and project case studies.


After the wireframes were approved, I developed the visual design, including the color palette, fonts, and logo, to reflect Ashley’s personality and style, as well as the preferences of her target audience.












Typography (Web):

Typography (Mobile):



Bold 56px



Bold 40px



Bold 40px



Bold 24px



Bold 24px



Bold 18px



Regular 16px



Regular 14px


Open sans

UPPERCASE, Spacing 5px, Regular 18px


Open sans

UPPERCASE, Spacing 5px, Regular 12px


A memorable and effective way to present oneself is through the use of a simple, yet impactful logo. With this in mind, I have created a logo for Ashley that incorporates her initials in the form of a triangle and circle. This logo is unique, professional, and conveys a sense of precision, which aligns with Ashley’s goals as an industrial designer. Through her designs, Ashley aims to deliver efficiency, simplicity, and precision to her clients, ensuring that they receive exactly what they need.


Once the visual design was approved, I moved on to the prototype phase. I created a working prototype of the website so Ashley could see how it would all come together. I also tested the website to make sure it was responsive, user-friendly and easy to navigate on all devices.

The process was iterative — I made changes and tweaks along the way based on feedback from Ashley. In the end, we created a website that we were both happy with. The final website was clean, modern, and reflected Ashley’s personal style.

Development & Launch:

I built the website using WordPress Elementor. This included setting up hosting and domain registration, configuring the website’s content management system, and optimizing the website.

The design process was centered around creating a portfolio website that meets Ashley’s needs as an industrial designer and showcases her work effectively to potential clients and employers. By gathering insights about the preferences and needs of Ashley’s target audience, I was able to create a website that resonated with them and helped Ashley achieve her career goals.

Since launching the new website, Ashley has received numerous inquiries and job offers from companies all over Asia. The clean and modern design of the website, along with the interactive project showcases, have helped her stand out in the competitive design industry and showcase her work effectively to potential employers. Additionally, the website’s responsive design and mobile-friendliness have made it easy for potential clients and employers to view and engage with Ashley’s portfolio on any device.

By collaborating with Ashley and designing a professional and interactive portfolio website, I was able to help her achieve her goal of securing a fulfilling job in the industrial design industry.

The modern and responsive website has been a valuable asset for Ashley’s career, and I am proud to have played a role in its success.